Javier Milei Removes Foreign Minister Following its Support for UN Resolution Against U.S. Blockade

The vote, which reflects the long history of solidarity between Argentina and Cuba, has been a point of tension in Milei’s government, which has shown a clear alignment with the policies of the United States and Israel. Oct 30, 2024 Photo: Pagina 12
October 30, 2024 Hour: 6:38 pm
The vote, which reflects the long history of solidarity between Argentina and Cuba, has been a point of tension in Milei’s government, which has shown a clear alignment with the policies of the United States and Israel.
187 Countries Demand an End to the U.S. Blockade Against Cuba
In an unexpected turn of political events in Argentina, President Javier Milei decided to dismiss his Foreign Minister Diana Mondino following a recent UN vote, where Argentina joined 186 countries in rejecting the blockade imposed on Cuba.
This decision was confirmed by presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni, who announced that Gerardo Werthein, the current Argentine ambassador in Washington, D.C., will take over the position.
The vote, which reflects the long history of solidarity between Argentina and Cuba, has been a point of tension in Milei’s government, which has shown a clear alignment with the policies of the United States and Israel.
However, Argentine diplomacy had maintained its commitment to historical causes, such as supporting the Caribbean island in its struggle against the blockade.
On social media, Milei hinted at his dissatisfaction by sharing a tweet from PRO deputy Sabrina Ajmechet, who expressed: “Proud of a government that neither supports nor is complicit with dictators. Long live #CubaLibre.”
This message seems to have set the course for Argentine foreign policy, prioritizing a critical stance towards Cuba and its leaders. Despite this change in the foreign ministry, it is important to remember that Cuba has been a steadfast ally of Argentina in its claim for sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands.
Over the years, the Cuban government has strongly supported Argentina’s cause in international forums, reinforcing ties between both nations. The recent vote in New York serves as a reminder of the overwhelming support Cuba receives annually at the UN to end the blockade.
Similarly, Argentina has garnered support from the Decolonization Committee for Britain to recognize its sovereignty over the Malvinas and open a dialogue on this matter.
With Mondino’s dismissal, questions arise regarding how this decision will affect bilateral relations between Argentina and Cuba. International observers expect that Cuba will continue to support Argentina’s sovereign claim despite internal diplomatic tensions.
This episode could serve as a call for reflection for the new Argentine government on the importance of maintaining a coherent and supportive stance in international matters.
Autor: MLM
Fuente: Página 12