Lebanese Citizens and Fellow Countrymen Arrive in Syria Fleeing the Israeli attacks

Lines of Car Fleeing from Lebanon, Sept 24 2024 Photo: Times of Gaza

September 24, 2024 Hour: 10:28 pm

Food assistance was being organized, while medical care was being strengthened.

Syrian authorities reported on Tuesday that thousands of Lebanese-Syrian Citizens and Lebanese nationals arrived in the country, following attacks by Israeli forces that have so far left 558 people killed.

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Border authorities registered the entry into Syria of about 2,000 Lebanese and 3,000 nationals, according to the Almayadeen platform.

Similarly, national broadcasters broadcast images from the Jedeidet Yabous border crossing, some 55 kilometres west of Damascus, originating in the bombed areas.

In this connection, the governors and police commanders of the Damascus provinces, The rural area and Homs bordering Lebanon visited the four border points and set up coordinates to ensure that entry into the country for both Syrians and Lebanese was smooth.

In the meantime, food assistance was being organized, while medical care was being strengthened, including at the Yabus, Jisr Qamar, Jusiyah, Dabusiyah, Mutriba and Al-Arida border crossings.

This opening of the border occurs in a context where, according to the acting Minister of Health of Lebanon, Firas Abyad, the number of victims of the Israeli aggression against that nation amounted to 558 dead, including 50 children and 94 women, and 1,835 injured, although this figure is rising. 

Meanwhile, the Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusai Al-Dahhak, reaffirmed on Tuesday Syria’s support for the Palestinian and Lebanese people “to confront the Israeli killing machine, highlighting the need to intensify efforts to stop repeated Israeli attacks on Syrian lands. and countries in the region”.

Autor: CC

Fuente: Al Mayadeen

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