Lula Da Silva Opens New Insulin Factory in Brazil

April 26, 2024 Hour: 9:41 pm

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, inaugurated this Friday a factory for the production of insulin, with which the medical input will be produced again nationwide in large quantities.

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At the opening ceremony of the Biomm factory, located in the city of Nova Lima, state of Minas Gerais, the president reported that the State will acquire most of the production to distribute it free of charge in the health system.

Brazil currently imports 95 percent of the insulin it uses, so the investment in the plant required an investment of at least 800 million reais (156 million dollars or 148 million euros), and was financed by public banks.

It was also reported that the company will have the capacity to produce about 20,000,000,000 syringes and equal doses of recombinant human insulin, to treat about 15,000,000 adult patients with diabetes.

 The text reads, 

Being present at the inauguration of the Biomm insulin factory, in Minas Gerais, shows the strategic importance of an industry like this for Brazil. I came to see our dream of sovereignty in the health sector take shape, start to happen. A sovereign country needs a strong national industry.

At the opening ceremony, a cooperation agreement was signed to develop drugs to combat metabolic diseases between Biomm and the state-run Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Brazil’s health research center.

Lula thanked the national insulin production and referred to his great-granddaughter, Ana Lua, seven years old, who carries type 1 diabetes, and said he has “the security that he will live a lot” due to the production of national insulin.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC
