Mexico Will Wait for the Venezuelan Electoral Authorities to Pronounce

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Aug 2024 Photo: EFE
August 14, 2024 Hour: 5:32 pm
López Obrador said that his government will wait for the Venezuelan electoral bodies to pronounce.
Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, called on Wednesday to respect the time limits set by law for Venezuelan electoral agencies to rule on concerns that may exist about the presidential elections of 28J, at the same time he warned of a reorganisation of the right at regional level.
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During his press conference, the head of state emphasized the importance of waiting for the resolution of the electoral bodies, within the framework of a peaceful and law-abiding solution.
He stressed that this is a matter for the sole decision of the Venezuelans, without interference from other nations or international organizations.
He recalled that the election day passed peacefully until Sunday night when things began to unravel, referring to the moment when the extreme right, without providing any evidence, sang fraud and began to incite violence.
He said that on Tuesday, July 30, the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, the Organization of American States (OAS) and more countries came out to demonstrate in favor of a candidate, The issue he described as an excess and a show of interference from the White House.
He assured that there is a regrouping of the right-wing movement. He added that international organizations such as the OAS and the United Nations (UN) want Mexico to get involved, but made it clear that it will not do so and that out of respect for Venezuela will wait for the resolution of the electoral body.
He assessed as measured the reaction that Pope Francis had on the issue when they tried to pressure him through social networks.
In the presidential elections of 28 June, the candidate from the Great Patriotic Pole, Nicolás Maduro, was re-elected with about 52 percent of the votes.
Despite this, the extreme right ignored the results, tried to supplant the electoral power to spread fraudulent data and impose its candidate, and then promoted violent acts with the complicity of the USA. and other nations, the regional right and hegemonic media.
This assault on the Bolivarian government turned into a cyberfascist and criminal coup d’état, which was defeated thanks to the mobilization and firmness of the revolutionary people and authorities.
Autor: CC
Fuente: @lopezobrador_