Miami-Based Far-Right Opposition Calls for Military Intervention in Venezuela

Far-right activists in Miami, U.S., Aug. 2024. Photo: EFE
August 29, 2024 Hour: 10:05 am
‘The Monroe Doctrine offers sufficient grounds to legally enter Venezuela,’ said one of the right-wingers.
On Wednesday, far-right opposition groups called for an international military intervention against Venezuela after rejecting the results of the elections in which President Nicolas Maduro was re-elected for the 2025-2031 term.
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From Miami, an extremist group self-styled as the Organization for the Liberation of Venezuela (OLV) announced that its objective is to achieve an international military intervention in Venezuela.
“The U.S. Monroe Doctrine, which says America is for Americans, offers sufficient grounds to legally enter Venezuela,” said one of the OLV activists.
This organization, which allegedly is on the verge of obtaining legal status, claimed to have chapters in Chile, Spain, and other countries. Its expressed purpose is a “government change” to end the Bolivarian Revolution.
In an inflammatory and bombastic speech, Maria Morin, who coordinates the external efforts of Maria Corina Machado’s Vente Party, called for the International Court of Justice to issue an arrest warrant against President Maduro.
“We are here doing our part to continue the pressure for the international community to take measures to enforce the electoral result,” Morin said, referring to the alleged victory of far-right politician Edmundo Gonzalez.
“We demand the same urgency that was applied in the case of Slobodan Milosevic,” she added, although Morin failed to mention that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombed Yugoslavia for three months before Milosevic’s capture in 2001.
The statements from the U.S.-based opposition took place on the first-month anniversary of the victory of the leftist Great Patriotic Pole in the July 28 elections. On Wednesday, Maria Corina Machado led a failed march against the Maduro administration in Caracas.
teleSUR/ JF Source: SWI – teleSUR