Moscow Not Overawed by US Nuclear Intimidation: Russian Intelligence Chief

Sergei Naryshkin. Photo: X/ @AlgerieWorld

August 30, 2024 Hour: 7:40 am

In May, the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration conducted a subcritical experiment in Nevada.

On Thursday, Sergei Naryshkin, director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, stated that his country will not be intimidated by U.S. efforts to brandish its “nuclear sledgehammer.”


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“The subcritical experiment conducted by the United States on May 14 this year at an underground laboratory for nuclear tests at a test site in the state of Nevada is rather concerning,” Naryshkin said.

“The experiment was not a full-scale nuclear test and does not formally violate the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty or the U.S. moratorium on nuclear tests,” he added.

However, this test clearly illustrates U.S. intensions, as it tries to flaunt its “nuclear sledgehammer”, similar to how U.S. President Harry Truman wanted to intimidate the leadership of the Soviet Union in 1945.

“It didn’t work then, and it will not work now,” he said, adding that “the lessons of World War II and the Cold War are forgotten by those for whom it is beneficial.”

On May 14, the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration conducted a subcritical experiment at the PULSE underground facility at the Nevada National Security Site.

teleSUR/ JF Source: Xinhua