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Bolivian Quinoa Farmers Face Struggle For Survivial

Peru has overtaken Bolivia as the world's leading exporter of quinoa. Bolivia's quinoa farmers say they're now struggling to make a living as the price of Bolivian quinoa exports has fallen by half over the last year. The crop has been grown in the Andean country for 8,000 years and was a staple part of the diet for Bolivians for centuries.
Quinoa is one of the best known Bolivian products exported globally.
Quinoa is one of the best known Bolivian products exported globally. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Bolivian farmers say the price of quinoa has dropped up to 80 percent at local markets.
Bolivian farmers say the price of quinoa has dropped up to 80 percent at local markets. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
The quinoa plant has been grown in Bolivia's altiplano region for 8,000 years.
The quinoa plant has been grown in Bolivia's altiplano region for 8,000 years. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Harvesting the quinoa crop on a farm in Patacayma, La Paz Bolivia.
Harvesting the quinoa crop on a farm in Patacayma, La Paz Bolivia. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Quinoa farmers are also facing environmental challenges. Climate change and El Niño are hitting production levels.
Quinoa farmers are also facing environmental challenges. Climate change and El Niño are hitting production levels. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
The quinoa plant needs water to thrive and flourish in Bolivia's altiplano.
The quinoa plant needs water to thrive and flourish in Bolivia's altiplano. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Farmers say there has been less rain this year which is affecting their annual production targets.
Farmers say there has been less rain this year which is affecting their annual production targets. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Climate change is having an impact on the quality of the quinoa produced in the altiplano.
Climate change is having an impact on the quality of the quinoa produced in the altiplano. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Peru is now the world's main exporter of quinoa overtaking Bolivia for the first time.
Peru is now the world's main exporter of quinoa overtaking Bolivia for the first time. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Quinoa has been cultivated in Bolivia for 8,000 years.
Quinoa has been cultivated in Bolivia for 8,000 years. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Bolivia is the birthplace of the super food quinoa which is gluten-free and full of nutrients.
Bolivia is the birthplace of the super food quinoa which is gluten-free and full of nutrients. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Farmers say the Bolivian government needs to provide more aid to help the ailing industry.
Farmers say the Bolivian government needs to provide more aid to help the ailing industry. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
The value of Bolivian exports of Quinoa has fallen 46 percent in a year
The value of Bolivian exports of Quinoa has fallen 46 percent in a year Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Fifty percent of Bolivian quinoa is exported to the lucrative U.S. market.
Fifty percent of Bolivian quinoa is exported to the lucrative U.S. market. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Farmers fear prices will fall even further and they won't be able to sustain a living.
Farmers fear prices will fall even further and they won't be able to sustain a living. Photo:Dimitri O'Donnell
Published 9 April 2016
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