Negro Veras Condemns Human Rights Violations in Bukele’s Prisons

Dominican jurist Dr. Ramón Antonio (Negro) Veras.

Dominican jurist Dr. Ramón Antonio (Negro) Veras.

March 25, 2025 Hour: 2:52 pm

“There is no justification or excuse of any kind to validate the torture of Salvadoran and Venezuelan prisoners in Salvadoran prison hells,” reads the article.

Dominican jurist Dr. Ramón Antonio (Negro) Veras, in his article “The Hell of Bukele’s Prisons,” analyzes the inhumane conditions to which Salvadoran and Venezuelan prisoners are subjected in El Salvador’s prisons.


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Negro Veras condemns the prison policies of Bukele and Donald Trump, denouncing abuses, humiliations, and human rights violations.

Below is the full article:

1. Cruel and inhumane behavior, savagery, is being implemented in El Salvador’s prisons in plain sight, as if it were nothing.

2. The infliction of harm upon another’s body, cruelty, is being carried out as if it were part of our peoples’ culture.

3. No one is prepared to resign themselves to enduring physical or moral harm. Enduring or tolerating such treatment is not part of a normal way of life.

4. What is happening to Salvadoran and Venezuelan prisoners in these modern-day versions of ancient Roman ergastula (slave prisons) is intolerable in the 21st century.

5. The treatment of Salvadoran and Venezuelan prisoners is an offense to all humanity. It is a combination of vindictiveness, sadism, and brutal atrocity.

6. Forcing a shackled man to kneel to have his head shaved is an atrocity, a bestial act, pure barbarism.

7. Witnessing men forced to comply with degrading commands diminishes civilized humanity and contradicts our aspiration to live in a world of happiness and equal opportunity.

8. The degradation and mortification of others for being undocumented should revolt any sensitive person opposed to ignominy.

9. In Bukele’s prisons in El Salvador, there are nationals—victims of the system—and Venezuelans who lack opportunities in their homeland’s labor market.

10. The treatment of impoverished humans labeled as antisocial in Salvadoran prisons must be rejected by all who oppose dehumanization in any form.

11. Humiliating, degrading, ignominious, and infamous rulers like Bukele and Donald Trump must not be allowed to belittle, mistreat, insult, or wound the dignity of human beings.

12. The atrocities committed against prisoners under Bukele and Donald Trump in Salvadoran prisons must be denounced, rejected, and unequivocally condemned.

13. The hateful and cruel methods employed against prisoners in El Salvador must be censured as inhumane, disapproved for violating human rights, and repudiated for wounding the noblest sentiments of our peoples.

14. There is no justification or excuse of any kind to validate the torture of Salvadoran and Venezuelan prisoners in these Salvadoran prison hellholes.

15. Under no circumstances are horror, humiliation, atrocities, abominations, sinister acts, or repulsive methods acceptable to subjugate human beings.

16. Never, ever, can humane principles be established in society through cruel measures. It is absurd to think happiness can be built at the expense of others’ misery.

Autor: OSG

Fuente: teleSUR