New Sanctions Against Russia on Ukrainian Conflict Anniversary

February 23, 2024 Hour: 1:18 pm

On Friday, the United States imposed the largest package of sanctions against President Vladimir Putin’s administration since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.


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The sanctions aim to undermine Russia’s financial infrastructure, limit energy production and exports, prevent sanctions evasion, restrict income from mining, limit Russia’s defensive capacity, and target users of malicious programs.

To achieve this, the Treasury Department sanctioned nearly 300 individuals and entities, the Commerce Department added 90 companies to its blacklist, and the State Department targeted over 250 institutions and individuals.

The United States also holds Russia responsible for the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in prison. Therefore, the list of sanctioned includes the director of the prison system in the Yamalo-Nenets region and the deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Washington also sanctioned individuals allegedly involved in the forced transfer of Ukrainian children and imposed visa restrictions on Russian authorities stationed in Donetsk.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) said that the sanctions cover the operator of the National Payment System (MIR), banks, investment companies, and financial technology companies.

The Treasury Department also warned that the U.S. will seek to tighten the existing “price limit” on Russian oil, which requires buyers to purchase Russian oil at a discounted rate, under the threat of financial sanctions for those who evade them.

The sanctions also include institutions and people involved in Russian purchases of “Kamikaze Drones.” Among those mentioned is the Iranian Defense Ministry (MODAFL).

In the new package, Washington confirms sanctions against companies related to the manufacture of CNC industrial machines, heavy machinery construction, arms manufacturing, and the production of drones and aircraft parts using 3D printers.

Among those affected by the U.S. retaliation are 26 companies and individuals from countries such as China, Serbia, Germany, Liechtenstein, or the United Arab Emirates.

Since the Russian military operation started on Febr. 24, 2022, U.S. authorities have imposed sanctions on over 4,000 entities and individuals.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: EFE

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