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126,000 New York Voters Purged, NYC Comptroller Orders Audit

  • A voting site in the U.S.

    A voting site in the U.S. | Photo: Reuters

Published 19 April 2016

A recent investigation by WNYC has found the number of voters purged from casting a ballot in the New York primaries has increased to 126,000.

Clinton has won New York by a healthy margin. But the victory may be tarnished. 126,000 NYC voters, many of whom are in Sanders' key demographic of people aged 18-29 years, were purged from the Democratic voter registry.

New York City comptroller Scott Stringer has ordered a full audit of the city’s Board of Elections after widespread complaints over the voting process.

A new investigation by local news station WNYC has found that the number of registered Democrats purged from voting has doubled to 126,000. They found that the New York Board of Elections actions have resulted in a 14 percent drop in 5 months.


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This perplexingly large number in the drop of voters has even New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio demanding an explanation.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office has received 562 phone calls and 140 emails with complaints about this from voters across the state – and most of them came from Brooklyn.

Voters in New York can be purged for a variety of reasons, including death, a felony charge or for leaving the state. Becoming an inactive voter happens when someone doesn't vote in at least two federal elections.

But many registered Democrats who haven't died, become a felon or moved from the state, were frustrated to find out they were removed once they reached the polls.

According to the New York Post, voters on the inactive list can still cast a ballot in the primaries if they haven't moved out of the state, but the vast majority of missing voters are out of luck.

Shyla Nelson, a spokesperson from the recently-formed Election Justice USA, however, says this is a “widespread national problem” and one that is, in fact, affecting presidential candidate Bernie Sanders supporters disproportionately, as they’re likely to have been previously unaffiliated with any party.

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