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15 Refugees Killed on Egypt-Israel Border

  • The Egypt-Israel border is a key route for refugees fleeing countries like Sudan.

    The Egypt-Israel border is a key route for refugees fleeing countries like Sudan. | Photo: Reuters

Published 15 November 2015

Fifteen Sudanese refugees were killed and eight others injured in violence on the Egypt-Israel border.

At least 15 Sudanese refugees were killed while trying to cross into Israel from Egypt, according to reports Sunday.

Another eight or more refugees were wounded in the violence, which took place in Egypt's norther Sinai region.

The refugees were killed during a firefight between Egyptian security forces and people smugglers, Egyptian officials told the Associated Press.

However, reports circulating in Israeli media suggest Egyptian forces opened fire on the refugees as they raced to try to cross the border. Those reports also appear to be based on comments by unnamed Egyptian officials.

All of the Egyptian officials cited in any reports have spoken on the condition of anonymity.

As many as 50,000 African migrants and refugees live in Israel, a country that rarely grants refugee status to Africans. The Israeli government claims most Africans arriving on Israel's southern border are economic migrants – a claim fiercely disputed by human rights groups.

Refugees caught in Egypt's southern Negev can be detained for up to a year without charge, and Israeli authorities have begun deporting some Sudanese and Eritrean refugees to third countries such as Uganda.

Crossing the Egyptian border has also become increasingly perilous, with another Sudanese refugee being killed a week ago while attempting the crossing.

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