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20,000 Brits Sign Petition to Ban Cameron from Re-entering UK

  • David Cameron and his wife Samantha pose for a photograph during their holiday in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote March 25, 2016.

    David Cameron and his wife Samantha pose for a photograph during their holiday in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote March 25, 2016. | Photo: Reuters

Published 26 March 2016

Austerity measures fuel anger while prime minister enjoys his Easter holiday on a Spanish island.

Nearly 20,000 people signed a petition less than an hour after its launch on Friday, demanding the UK home secretary ban Prime Minister David Cameron from returning from his Easter holiday in Lanzarote, Spain.

“David Cameron presents a clear and present danger to the short, medium and long term interests of the country,” says the petition. “As such, the UK should institute a temporary ban on his return to Britain at the conclusion of his holiday in Lanzarote.”

Some of the signatories commented jokefully that the prime minister was at least as dangerous as terrorists and extremists for the country, in a context where terror attacks in Paris and Brussels have been used by European conservative leaders to close the borders for refugees.

They referred to numerous policies that have consitently impoverished the poor masses like benefit cuts for the disabled, the tax policy favoring the richest and the bombing in Syria and Libya.

Moreover, Cameron raised anger after announcing a privatization bill right before he caught his plane to Lanzarote.

OPINIONUK Austerity: Save the Rich, Cut the Disabled, Punish the Poor 

“David Cameron is a bigger threat to the people of the United Kingdom than any terrorist organisation,” said one.

“The Labour Party welcomes the call by the public for a temporary ban on the re-entry of David Cameron to the UK at this time,” said Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell in a statement.

“With more than 600 suicides linked to the government’s austerity policies, more than 30 sick and disabled people a week dying while undergoing the governments Work Capability Assessments, and the number of children living in poverty rise to 2.3 million – it’s clear that the actions of the Prime Minister constitute a threat to national security.”

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