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News > Latin America

Amid 'Vile' US-Led Global Order, Fidel and China Agree on Peace

  • Former Cuban President Fidel Castro and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang meet in Havana, Cuba, Sept. 26, 2016.

    Former Cuban President Fidel Castro and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang meet in Havana, Cuba, Sept. 26, 2016. | Photo: EFE

Published 27 September 2016

The Chinese premier Li Keqiang expressed to Fidel his "satisfaction" with his first visit to Cuba, as well as his "admiration for the Cuban people.

Former Cuban President Fidel Castro and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang discussed the need to preserve human existence and world peace in the face of "complexities, dangers and challenges" during their meeting in Havana, state-run media reported.

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Castro and Li, in particular, coincided in their assessments of the international situation in the "animated dialogue" they held on Sunday afternoon at the home of the former leader of the communist island and head of the Cuban Revolution.

"After noteworthy economic and social progress, peace and friendship is the most important task for the People's Republic of China, under the direction of its president, Xi Jinping, and its prime minister, Li Keqiang," said Castro, who added that he was "very satisfied" with the outcome of the meeting, according to an article published on the front page of the official Cuban daily Granma.

The Chinese premier expressed to Castro his "satisfaction" with his first visit to Cuba, as well as his "admiration for the Cuban people for their patriotism, and he praised the achievements made in different areas."

"In the fraternal meeting, Fidel and Li Keqiang expressed the conviction that this visit will strengthen the cooperation and friendship between our (Communist) Parties, governments and peoples," said the report, which was accompanied by several photographs.

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In addition, Granma said that Castro, who since his retirement from power in 2006 has continued to study "the dangers" currently threatening the world population due to the "vile economic order imposed on the world" by the United States, imparted to his guest his points of view on assorted issues and his awareness that "both China and Russia have interests related to peace."

At the close of the exchange, Castro told the Chinese delegation of "some of the experiences ... in raising the production of food and specific valuable items under the (island's) specific conditions ... independent of the income from tourism and other sources of development."

The 90-year-old Castro also met at length last week with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during their official visits to the Caribbean nation.

Li concluded on Monday his stay in Havana, where he arrived on Saturday and during which he also met with Cuban President Raul Castro, with whom he attended the signing ceremony for about 30 economic agreements and bilateral cooperative ventures.

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