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Arab League Meets to Counter US Embassy Move

  • Arab League says U.S. relocation of embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is “illegal.”

    Arab League says U.S. relocation of embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is “illegal.” | Photo: Reuters FILE

Published 16 May 2018

Arab League Chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit added that the move was a “clear violation of international law.”

The Cairo-based Arab League will hold a meeting to discuss the “illegal” relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, MENA has reported.

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The aim of the emergency meeting is to urge the league's permanent representatives “to counter the illegal decision taken by the United States of America to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem,” the organization's deputy secretary general for Palestinian affairs, Saeed Abu Ali, said.

Arab League Chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit added that the move was a “clear violation of international law.”

“The fall of Palestinian martyrs by the bullets of the Israeli occupation must ring an alarm ... bell to any state that does not find anything wrong with the immoral and illegal stance that we are watching,” he added.

On Monday, the head of the group cited dozens of Palestinians killed by Israeli troops as a warning to other countries to not carry out a similar action.

“The opening of the American embassy in occupied Jerusalem represents a step of utmost gravity which I do not think the U.S. administration realizes its real consequences in both the short and long-term.”

At least 60 Palestinians were killed and thousands of others injured while taking part in mass protests near the Gaza border, while a U.S. envoy – including President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka – attended the opening ceremony of the embassy.

Human rights organization Amnesty International warned that Israel’s response to Palestinian protesters amounted to “war crimes.”

Palestinians view East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

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