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News > Latin America

Argentina: Presidential Candidates Enter Final Campaign Day

  • Daniel Scioli, presidential candidate for Front for Victory, speaks during a campaign rally in Buenos Aires, Sept. 21, 2015.

    Daniel Scioli, presidential candidate for Front for Victory, speaks during a campaign rally in Buenos Aires, Sept. 21, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 21 October 2015

Argentinians head to the polls Sunday with ruling-party candidate Daniel Scioli the clear front-runner.

Argentine Presidential candidates will enter the final day of electoral campaigning Thursday with the aim of capturing last-minute support from undecided voters as the country prepares national elections.

Front for Victory candidate Daniel Scioli will bring his campaigning to a close tomorrow night in the heart of Buenos Aires City, where he will be joined by his supporters and close political allies.

The city of Buenos Aires is considered the most important of the provincial and municipal battleground, as the city’s population represents 38 percent of the national electorate.

Meanwhile, political rival Mauricio Macri of the Let's Change Party will be holding his closing rally in the Orfeo stadium in the central province of Cordoba, a key electoral province comprising 9 percent of Argentina’s total national electorate.

Various polls place Scioli ahead in the race. According to a survey published in La Jornada, the ruling party presidential hopeful has a 10 percent lead over his closest rival, right-wing Republican Proposal (PRO) party hopeful, Mauricio Macri, with 38.4 percent of the vote.

In order to secure a victory on Sunday, under Argentina’s electoral rules, Scioli must obtain either 45 percent of the vote or at least 40 percent and be ten percentage points ahead of the runner-up.

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