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News > Latin America

Argentina's President Armors Up After Being Heckled

  • Argentina President Mauricio Macri

    Argentina President Mauricio Macri | Photo: Telam

Published 16 August 2016

President Macri is resorting to an armored car after protesters heckled his policies during a recent speech.

Argentina's President Mauricio Macri will start using an armored car, fearing attacks from protesters, Security Minister Patricia Bullrich announced this week.

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“We will protect the president with all the possible means," she said Monday. “We will not make this a political matter."

Bullrich denied the move was related to a verbal attack that Macri was subjected to on Friday in Mar del Plata, about 249 miles (400 kilometers) from the capital.

Macri was forced to interrupt his visit to the town after his audience began booing and insulting him.

The Argentine government claimed that the presidential car was then assaulted by protesters, but Police Chief Pablo Bressi denied protesters had thrown any stones at the car.

“While the president was performing the act, he was verbally attacked by a few people who only expressed their disapproval with his policies,” said Bressi.

Argentines have been taking to the streets since Macri took office in Dec. 2015, protesting against neoliberal policies that have made commodity and energy prices skyrocket amid rising unemployment.

According to a recent report, a staggering 1.4 million people have fallen into poverty since the beginning of Macri’s government, bringing the total number of people living below the poverty line to 13 million,

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