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Baltimore Police Shoot Black Boy on Freddie Gray's Anniversary

  • Baltimore state troopers stand guard on Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Baltimore state troopers stand guard on Pennsylvania Avenue. | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 April 2016

The shooting came on the anniversary of rebellions sparked by the killing of Freddie Gray, a Black man, who died in police custody last year.

Baltimore police shot and wounded an unidentified 14-year-old boy who was carrying a replica handgun on Wednesday, a police official said, on the anniversary of rebellions sparked by Freddie Gary's death in police custody last year.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis told reporters near the scene of the shooting that two officers spotted the teenager carrying what appeared to be a firearm, identified themselves and gave chase when he ran away.

The police released a photo of the "replica weapon" the boy was carrying, in an apparent attempt to justify the shooting.

The "replica gun" carried by the teenage boy who was wounded by Baltimore police. Photo: Baltimore Police Facebook

Since the the rebellions last year, social movements have organized to protest widespread police brutality across the United States. Police violence disproportionately affects minorities, especially the African-American community.

The teen's suffered injuries that were not life threatening, Reuters reports.


Freddie Gray
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