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Berlin Orchestra Goes to Iran, Deals a Blow to Israeli Lobbying

  • Daniel Barenboim, an Israeli-Argentine musician, is the general music director of La Scala in Milan, the Berlin State Opera, and the Staatskapelle Berlin.

    Daniel Barenboim, an Israeli-Argentine musician, is the general music director of La Scala in Milan, the Berlin State Opera, and the Staatskapelle Berlin. | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 August 2015

A Berlin orchestra directed by Daniel Barenboim is planning an event in Tehran later this year despite protests from Israeli officials.

Daniel Barenboim , one of the world’s most notable music conductors , and his orchestra are going ahead with plans to perform in Iran for a concert and a possible collaboration with the country’s symphony orchestra , the orchestra Barenboim's Staatskapelle Berlin said on Thursday, dealing yet another blow to Israeli government, which was lobbying against the trip .

“The Staatskapelle Berlin with its music director Daniel Barenboim is currently in talks with Iran about a possible concert of the Staatskapelle in Tehran,” the orchestra said in a statement.

The statement added that the concert was supported by the German government.

“German Foreign Minister Steinmeier has taken on the patronage of this concert and supports Daniel Barenboim’s commitment to make music accessible to people beyond any national, religious or ethnic boundaries.”

The cultural initiative comes a few months after the world powers and Iran signed a historic nuclear deal that would put limits on Iran's nuclear program while in return canceling economic sanctions against Tehran. The cultural exchanges with the outside world are expanding with the director of the Louvre museum, Jean-Luc Martinez, going to Tehran in the near future.

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Before the Iranian revolution, access to the country and international dealings with Tehran were open under the imperial Shah and the country was a destination for several world-class orchestras.

But, the Iranian orchestra scene had suffered a setback following the revolution in 1979 with many foreign powers putting restrictions on those wishing to organize events in Iran.

However, to bring the Iranian orchestra back to life after a three-year suspension, the new moderate administration of Hassan Rouhani hired in March Ali (Alexander) Rahbaria, a world-class conductor who has performed in more than 120 European orchestras, including the Berlin Philharmonic and London Philharmonic.

Speaking to the Guardian, Rahbaria said that he welcomed Barenboim’s upcoming visit and performance. “This is very important for us … We have prepared our own orchestra for a collaboration with them and we are very pleased to be involved.”

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Meanwhile, the Israeli government, which is the only country in the world that publicly objects to the Iran nuclear deal, has been lobbying the German government to stand against the musical event.

“This melody must be stopped,” Israel’s Culture Minister Miri Regev, wrote on her Hebrew Facebook page, according to Haaretz. “Daniel Barenboim’s concert in Iran hurts Israel’s efforts to prevent the nuclear agreement and boosts the delegitimization efforts against Israel.”

Barenboim's visit is also aggravating the Israeli government as represents his criticism of Israeli policies in Palestine and elsewhere, as in the case of the Iran deal. The Argentinian- born Israeli pianist and conductor is a United Nations messenger of peace and has also taken an honorary citizenship of Palestine.

“Barenboim promotes an anti-Israeli line and makes sure to bash [Israel] by using culture as a lever for his anti-Israel political views. This is an erroneous decision by [Angela] Merkel,” Regev added, referring to unconfirmed reports that German chancellor may join the conductor on the visit to Tehran.

The event was scheduled to take place earlier next month, however it has been postponed. According to Iranian officials, organizers are now looking for a new date.

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