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Biden Launches 100 Days Mask up Challenge Amid COVID-19 Surge

  • U.S. President Joe Biden signs documents on the Capitol this January 20, 2021.

    U.S. President Joe Biden signs documents on the Capitol this January 20, 2021. | Photo: EFE/ Jim Lo Scalzo

Published 20 January 2021

On Wednesday, the U.S. President Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders, several of them reversing Trump's policies, including returning to the Paris Climate Accord; lifting Trump's ban on entry for passport holders from Muslim majority countries, and halting the construction of the U.S. -Mexico border wall. 

U.S. President Joe Biden signed a series of executive orders on Wednesday to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, including a mask mandate on federal property and a new White office to coordinate a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Biden launched the 100 Days Masking Challenge, urging all U.S. residents to wear a mask during the first 100 days of his mandate. The president has declared the goal of vaccinating over 100.000 people during this period.

Moreover, the U.S. president instructed his administration to start arrangements to stop the withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO). Dr. Anthony Fauci will address the WHO on Thursday, and his government said that it intends to work on reforms and support to the COVID-19 pandemic. The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres embraced Biden's decision remarking that the U.S. is returning to the organization at a critical moment."

On Wednesday, the U.S. President Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders, several of them reversing Trump's policies. Amid the landmark decisions are returning to the Paris Climate Accord, the lifting of Trump's ban on entry for passport holders from Muslim majority countries, and the halting the construction of the U.S. -Mexico border wall.


Joe Biden
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