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News > Peru

Bigio: Fujimori's Electoral Campaign Is the Dirtiest In History

  • In Peru, while Pedro Castillo leads the polls ahead of the June 6th presidential election, the U.S. and its stooges have run a deceptive campaign and used covert dirty tricks, propagating rumours and manipulating the population to vote for Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori.

    In Peru, while Pedro Castillo leads the polls ahead of the June 6th presidential election, the U.S. and its stooges have run a deceptive campaign and used covert dirty tricks, propagating rumours and manipulating the population to vote for Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori. | Photo: Twitter @AndyVermaut

Published 4 June 2021

According to a political analyst, Keiko Fujimori is buying votes with money and trying to polarize the elections to be elected, "a dirty electoral campaign," according to political analysts.

With only a few days left for the second round of Peru's presidential elections, the candidates of Peru Libre and Fuerza Popular, Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori, respectively, have closed their electoral campaigns this Friday, and Peruvians have to choose the next president of the country on June 6.


Who Is Peru's Presidential Candidate Keiko Fujimori?

In an interview granted this Friday to HispanTV, international affairs analyst Isaac Bigio commented on the electoral process in Peru. "Fujimori's electoral campaign is the dirtiest I have ever seen in my life," he said.

The interviewee refers to Fujimori's criminal records and questions the Peruvian Constitution, allowing this candidate to run in the presidential elections. In fact, Fujimori had spent 16 months before the elections in jail accused of laundering 17 million dollars.

The expert also indicated that Fujimori is the candidate of the Popular Force party, which, in his opinion, is a "criminal party" for all that it has done during the history of the South American country.

Intending to win the elections, Fujimori has created a campaign "made up of rivals, terrorists, and communists," trying to polarize the presidential elections even more and has also created a struggle between the rich who are his supporters, and the poorest who are with Castillo, clarified the expert.

Pointing out that all the press and economic powers are on Fujimori's side, he added that, in this way, Castillo had become a "counter-system" character.

In this sense, Lima, the Peruvian capital, was rocked Tuesday by scenes of protests by citizens who expressed their rejection at the possibility that Fujimori could be elected president of Peru in the second round of the elections. 

Another low point in her campaign included the assistance of U.S.-sponsored Venezuelan terrorist and coup-plotter Leopoldo López, who has been meddling in Peru's internal politics, traveling there to campaign for far-right candidate Keiko Fujimori, days before the presidential election.

More than 25 million citizens are summoned to the polls for this mandatory voting election. The first official results will be known around midnight Sunday (05h00 GMT Monday).

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