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Bill Clinton Cursed out over Crime Law During Campaign Event

  • Former U.S. President Bill Clinton campaigns for his wife

    Former U.S. President Bill Clinton campaigns for his wife | Photo: Reuters

Published 6 June 2016

"Hey Clinton, fuck you! Our people are still in jail from your crime bill!" a young woman shouted at the former president.

Bill Clinton, former president of the United States, received a surprising welcome in California during a campaign event to support his wife.

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Bill visited a restaurant in Watts, California to support his wife Hillary's camapign in the largest state in the U.S., where Democrats will vote for a presidential nominee on Tuesday.

"Hey Clinton, fuck you! Our people are still in jail from your crime bill!" a young Black woman yelled upon spotting Clinton. In 1994 Bill Clinton signed into law a measure that dramatically lenghtened sentences for drug crimes, a move that helped fill U.S. prisons, which are now home to more than 2 million people.

Hillary Clinton visited California before Tuesday's primaries, where she's hoping to secure the nomination for the general election in November.

A new poll has Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton in California, a win that could shake up the race and strengthen the senator's pitch to superdelegates that he stands the best chance of beating Donald Trump.

WATCH: Bill Clinton Attacks Black Lives Matter Movement

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