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News > Bolivia

Bolivia: Navy Admiral Arrested for Involvement in 2019 Coup

  • Relatives of Senkata massacre's victims demand justice, El Alto, Bolivia, Nov. 19, 2020.

    Relatives of Senkata massacre's victims demand justice, El Alto, Bolivia, Nov. 19, 2020. | Photo: EFE

Published 11 March 2021

He faces sedition and terrorism charges for his involvement in the coup that led to a U.S.-backed interim government.

The Public Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday arrested Navy Admiral Flavio San Martin for his involvement in the 2019 coup d'etat against Evo Morales.


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"We are going to give justice to our people," Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo said with reference to the former Chief of the General Staff, who faces sedition and terrorism charges.

In Bolivia, the "Coup" case started after a complaint filed by former lawmaker Lidia Patty who demanded penal responsibilities for the events that led to Morales' forced resignation.

Former Police Commander Yuri Calderon and former Army Commander Sergio Orellana, who fled to Colombia, are also implicated for supporting civil unrest and allegations of electoral fraud.

On Wednesday, Senate Chairman Andronico Rodriguez urged for speeding a trial against former Interim President Jeanine Añez for Sacaba and Senkata massacres. 

A report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) showed that at least 20 people died due to police repression following Morales' resignation and Añez's installation. 

"We are going to be faithful followers and inspectors of this case so that it proceeds once and for all... It cannot be that El Alto is always the one that pays with lives, with mourning and pain in social conflicts," ex-Parliament President Eva Copa said. 

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