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Bolivian Filmmaker Debunks Mainstream Lies on Syria

  • Carla Ortiz stands in war-torn Syria during filming of her upcoming documentary.

    Carla Ortiz stands in war-torn Syria during filming of her upcoming documentary. | Photo: Carla Ortiz

Published 31 December 2016

Her comments come just weeks after a Canadian journalist who spent years in Syria also denounced the mainstream media's questionable sources.

After eight months filming a documentary in Syria, a Bolivian actress and filmmaker is contradicting the mainstream media's narrative as she argues that the Syrian government has not, in fact, shot at militants leaving Aleppo.

Carla Ortiz, who is filming a documentary on the lives of the people caught in the conflict, said she witnessed the evacuation efforts herself, including that of civilian families as well as of militants. In a video from the upcoming film, titled “Voice of Syria,” she documents the peaceful evacuation process from Eastern Aleppo, effectively debunking mainstream media narratives claiming the opposite.

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“I was right there in six different front lines, and I talked to the people when they were getting in the buses...at the shelters, and actually the evacuation wasn’t burning, there was not mass shooting anywhere on the streets,” she exposed during a recent interview with Fox 11 news.

During her eight months there, she covered nearly 75 percent of the country, including in Palmyra as it was recovered by Syrian forces, she told the Fox 11 hosts.

While she makes it clear that she is “not a journalist,” she stressed the fact that she had nevertheless obtained clear video evidence of the evacuation process during the “10 decisive days when Aleppo, from one side was free and liberated from the other side.”

WATCH: The Daily Brief: Drone Captures The Start Of East Aleppo Evacuation

In a Facebook post published afterwards, Ortiz also pointed out that “what the Syrian army and civilians were doing was throwing food through the windows” of the buses that transported the evacuees out of the city, reported RT.

Echoing recent reports from journalists on the ground, she also contested the legitimacy of the”witness reports” supposedly emerging from then-rebel-occupied areas, often claiming to possibly be “their last” message. Noting the lack of Internet connectivity and infrastructure in eastern Aleppo, Ortiz questioned whether those videos were actually coming from the region as well as the motives of those posting them.

“Who are these fake accounts on Twitter that are saying that Aleppo is burning, that there is mass shooting,” she said during the Fox 11 interview. “I’m right here at the front line. I have no Twitter...there is no way, no connection, no electricity for more than 75 days.”

While she recognized that Aleppo had indeed been destroyed by the fighting between Syrian government forces (with Russia’s help) and opposition groups, she stressed that life under the so-called rebels was “really inhuman.” She furthermore noted that, from what she saw, most opposition militants were actually foreign mercenaries.

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“When you talk to someone who just left east Aleppo, they tell you that most terrorists are not even Syrians,” Ortiz told RT in another interview.

She also said that despite Syrians' political beliefs or affiliations, they were all just happy to be free from militant oppression, adding that they are “all praying for a real ceasefire," and that, despite the mainstream narrative, there is a moderate opposition who simply wanted reforms, not for their government to resign.

On Friday, the Syrian government and opposition groups in the country reached a nationwide cease-fire agreement, which includes measures to monitor the deal and a statement on the readiness to start peace talks to settle the Syrian crisis.

Ortiz film will be out in the summer.

WATCH: The Evacuation of Aleppo Continues
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