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News > Latin America

Bolivia's Evo Vows to Fight For World Without 'Invaders'

  • Evo Morales.

    Evo Morales. | Photo: Reuters

Published 1 January 2017

Bolivian President Evo Morales delivered his first speech as the country assumes the position of a non-permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

Bolivia's President Evo Morales said at the Security Council of the United Nations on Sunday that the country will be the voice of the people and will fight for a planet without "invaders" or "invaded" people.

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Morales’s words came as Bolivia became a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the third time — the other spanning 1964-1965 and 1978-1979.

He also took to Twitter to send further messages of Bolivia’s hope, writing that the world must "work together to secure the people’s rights to development, and to fight capitalism which tries to commodify everything."

Bolivia was incorporated as a non-permanent member on Sunday along with Ethiopia, Italy, Kazakhstan and Sweden.

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