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News > Latin America

Brazil's Lula to Join Massive March in Defense of Petrobras

  • People walk past a Petrobras building in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on December 12, 2014.

    People walk past a Petrobras building in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on December 12, 2014. | Photo: AFP

Published 24 February 2015

Brazil’s largest trade union is staging a massive protest in defense of Brazil’s largest state-owned energy company.

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva will join with thousands of demonstrators in a protest organized by the Central Union of Workers (CUT) in defense of the state-owned energy company Petrobras. It wil bring together trade unionists, lawyers, journalists and intellectuals.

Leading up to the protest, CUT issued a communiqué highlighting the importance of Petrobras in promoting Brazilian sovereignty, economic growth and employment. 

"A weakened Petrobras, which serves as the anchor of our scientific, technological and industrial development, will the decimate domestic companies responsible for more than 500,000 skilled jobs, and would send us back into subordinate colonial state,” the declaration read.  

Brazilian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Aldo Rebelo also issued similar sentiments in which he criticized right-wing opposition parties of attempting to destroy the image of Petrobras following an ongoing bribery corruption scandal that implicated the company. 

"We want all forms of corruption to be investigated and punished, but do not want the entire firm to be confused with the crime committed by a handful of directors. Petrobras belongs to the country and not the half dozen leaders. It is a national asset that must be protected for the interest and development of the country. Destroying it will only serve the interest of foreign competitors," Rebelo stated. 

Petrobras released positive production figures earlier this month reporting that the company hit a new record in oil production in 2014 with an output of 2.17 million barrels of oil per day, marking the sixth consecutive year of output growth.

READ MORE: What Lies Ahead for Dilma Rousseff’s Workers' Party?

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