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News > World

CNN Stops Broadcasting in Russia

  • A microphone with a CNN logo in an undated photo. (Photo: Reuters)

    A microphone with a CNN logo in an undated photo. (Photo: Reuters)

Published 11 November 2014

The international network said its decision follows recent changes in Russian media legislation.

Cable News Network (CNN) International will stop broadcasting in Russia beginning next year, the channel's managing company said Monday in an official statement sent to cable operators in the country. 

"Turner International is assessing its distribution options for CNN in Russia in light of recent changes in Russian media legislation... We are bringing our existing distribution relationships to an end while we do that,” the letter said.

However the document also says that the work of the network's journalists in the country, specially at the Moscow’s bureau, will not be affected and that the company will provide any update about resuming its services. 

General Director at Turner Broadcasting System Russia Tatyana Kalita declined to comment on the issue, local press reported. 

Meanwhile Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) denied it has anything to do with the company's decision. 

CNN was founded in 1980 by U.S. media proprietor Ted Turner, becoming the first television channel to provide 24 hour news coverage. It began broadcasting in Russia in the early 1990s. 

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