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News > Latin America

Chile: Bus Drivers Strike After 'Hooligan Violence' In Santiago

  • Disorders in a Chilean soccer game

    Disorders in a Chilean soccer game | Photo: EFE/Archive

Published 20 March 2016

Violence from soccer fans has repeatedly disturbed the capital despite authorities' efforts to address the issue.

Almost half of Chilean bus drivers in the capital staged a strike Sunday, after two days of violence fomented by violent soccer fans of the clubs Colo Colo and University of Chile.

About 40 percent of the city's buses were not operating – representing about 1,500 vehicles – according to the main trade unions of transport workers (Fenamet), most of them regarding the line leading to the National Stadium.

Despite authorities' efforts to control the situation and avoid public disorders, tensions started to rise on Friday, as disruptive soccer fans would get in buses without paying for tickets, threaten passengers and vandalize the vehicles.

“We are fed up,” said Fenamet's President Miguel Matus. “We have been discussing this with authorities for years, but this always happens.”

Supporters of the University of Chile started the hostilities on Friday according to media reports, followed the next day by Colo Colo's fans, who damaged four buses. Police arrested 23 of them.

Last year, President Michelle Bachelet reinforced a prior legislation called “Secure Stadium,” yet still failing in addressing properly the annual violence within the national league.

"If the sale of fireworks is illegal in Chile... how do the hooligan groups can find them?"

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