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News > Chile

Chile: Senate Rejects Pinera Impeachment

  • President Sebastian Pinera

    President Sebastian Pinera | Photo: EFEd

Published 16 November 2021

The Chilean Senate rejected on Tuesday the constitutional accusation sent by the deputies to the Senate to impeach President Sebastián Piñera for the case of the sale of a mining company in 2010, which according to the "Pandora Papers" took place in a tax haven, and the president will remain in office.

With 24 votes in favor, 18 against and one abstention, the promoters of the impeachment - opposition parliamentarians - did not achieve the necessary majority of 29 votes to remove the president from office. With this result, the process is closed without any political consequences for Piñera.

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"The defense has been convincing in denying each one of the facts that are established in the grounds for this impeachment trial," said the pro-government senator Francisco Chahuán.

The president was accused of violating the principle of probity and the right to live in a pollution-free environment and of having compromised the honor of the nation, after the terms under which the Dominga mining company was sold by a company owned by his children in 2010 were revealed by the work of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), in a case known as "Pandora's Papers."

The indictment had been approved in the Chamber of Deputies the previous week, in a marathon session that lasted almost 24 hours.

In the Palacio de La Moneda, the seat of the Executive, the applause was heard when, mathematically, the pro-government senators had enough support for the rejection of the indictment, even though there were still a dozen legislators to argue their vote.

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