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News > Chile

Chile To Search for Those Disappeared by the Dictatorship

  • Chileans carry portraits of the people killed by the dictatorship.

    Chileans carry portraits of the people killed by the dictatorship. | Photo: X/ @manelmarquez

Published 30 August 2023

The victims of the Pinochet regime amount to 31,686 people, of whom 28,459 were tortured, 2,123 murdered, and 1,102 disappeared.

On Wednesday, President Gabriel Boric's administration will launch the National Search Plan for the Detained and Disappeared during the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990)


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This initiative will begin by integrating the work carried out by the truth commissions, the courts of justice, the relatives of the victims, and previous administrations.

Justice Minister Luis Cordero explained that the plan's objective is to find out the conditions and circumstances in which the arrests and forced disappearances occurred. This is a form of symbolic reparation with both the families of the victims and the Chilean society.

The launching ceremony be led by President Boric and will take place at Constitution Square in Santiago de Chile. This will happen on August 30, the International Day of the Disappeared.

The launch of this plan also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the coup against Salvador Allende, the country's first socialist president who died while the La Moneda Palace was bombed by the military.

The official number of direct victims of the Pinochet dictatorship amounts to 31,686 people, of which 28,459 they were tortured, 2,123 murdered, and 1,102 disappeared. Chilean families still do not know the whereabouts of 1,192 detainees by the military dictatorship.

These data come from reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the National Corporation for Reparation and Reconciliation, and the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture.

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