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China Says Can't Trust US on Militarization in South China Sea

  • U.S fighter jets on the upper deck of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier in the South China Sea.

    U.S fighter jets on the upper deck of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier in the South China Sea. | Photo: Reuters

Published 16 May 2016

Washington has accused Beijing of militarizing the South China Sea while Beijing has criticized increased U.S. naval patrols and exercises in Asia.

China condemned the U.S. Defense Department's annual report on the Chinese military Sunday, calling it deliberate distortion that has "severely damaged" mutual trust.

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In its annual report to Congress on Chinese military activities, the U.S. Defense Department said on Friday that China is expected to add substantial military infrastructure, including communications and surveillance systems, to artificial islands in the South China Sea this year.

China's Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun expressed "strong dissatisfaction" and "firm opposition" to the Pentagon report and said it has "severely damaged mutual trust," state news agency Xinhua reported.

The report "hyped up" China's military threat and lack of transparency, "deliberately distorted" Chinese defense policies and "unfairly" depicted Chinese activities in the East and South China seas, Yang was quoted as saying.

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"China follows a national defense policy that is defensive in nature," Yang said, adding that the country's military build-up and reforms are aimed at maintaining sovereignty, security and territorial integrity and guaranteeing China's peaceful development.

It is the United States that has always been suspicious and flexes its military muscle by frequently sending military aircraft and warships to the region, Yang said.

Despite its calls for freedom of navigation and restraint for peace, the U.S. has pushed forward militarization of the South China Sea with an "intention to exert hegemony," Yang added.

The Pentagon report comes at a time of heightened tension over maritime territories claimed by China and disputed by several Asian nations. Washington has accused Beijing of militarizing the South China Sea while Beijing, in turn, has criticized increased U.S. naval patrols and exercises in Asia.

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