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News > Colombia

Colombia: Summit of Social Leaders Proposes Building Peace

  • Social leaders celebrated a summit in Colombia for reaching a proposal to de-escalate the internal conflict. Jul. 27, 2022.

    Social leaders celebrated a summit in Colombia for reaching a proposal to de-escalate the internal conflict. Jul. 27, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@ConsejeriaDePaz

Published 27 July 2022

Social leaders from different regions arrived in the Colombian capital to formalize a proposal to de-escalate the internal conflict.

At least 200 leaders from the departments most affected by the war are meeting in Bogota, Colombia, in order to propose an agenda to humanize the conflict, and promote de-escalation of the conflict, a proposal that will be submitted to the new government of Gustavo Petro.


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From different regions of the South American country, social leaders arrived in the Colombian capital to formalize a proposal to de-escalate the internal conflict, Richard Moreno, of the Ethnic Commission for Peace, told teleSUR.

Moreno, also coordinator of the Inter-Ethnic Forum Solidarity Chocó, stressed that the humanitarian summit of the peoples affected by the violence in the country will present President-elect Petro with a proposal to advance regional dialogues aimed at seeking total peace.

The idea is to present a comprehensive project in the construction of peaceful territories in which minimum mechanisms of respect for human rights and the internal norms of the peoples in their territories are coordinated in order to reach effective agreements.

Colombia | Social leaders present a "humanitarian agenda" to Gustavo Petro | Page 12 The elected president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, participates this Wednesday in a Humanitarian Summit convened by social organizations

Moreno assumed the commitment of the people to organize the work from the regional territories binding to the proposals made by the president-elect. The peoples understand the will shown by the new government but they are also aware that the irregular armed groups have that will in an eventual dialogue process, said Moreno.

More than 60 thousand people were confined in Chocó because of the internal conflict in Chocó, he denounced, that is why it is necessary to advance in regional dialogues and have peace agreements which is an imperative for the communities. "The time has come to live tastily," he added.

This Tuesday, Petro again insisted on his proposal to hold regional dialogues and that all sectors and not only the illegal armed groups should be at the table. In a message to the Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca, the president-elect assures that the binding regional dialogue is the way to achieve coexistence and social justice.

"Excellent. The path of binding regional dialogue must be a sure change towards coexistence and social justice. I receive with gratitude this message from the ACIN in northern Cauca," wrote the president on his Twitter account. 

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