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News > Latin America

Cuba Hosts the Anti-Imperialist Forum In Defense Of The Peoples

  • Logo of the 2021 Anti-imperialist Forum in Defense of the Peoples.

    Logo of the 2021 Anti-imperialist Forum in Defense of the Peoples. | Photo: Twitter/ @EmbaCubaEEUU

Published 9 December 2021

The United States and its allies are trying once again to impose cultural and political patterns that do not respond to the realities of the world's peoples.

On Thursday, the Anti-imperialist Forum in Defense of the Peoples started a virtual session to demand that the international community fight interference, colonialism, foreign occupation, and discrimination.


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Broadcast through social networks, this event analyzes issues related to gender equity, the situation of Latin American children and youth, and access to health, education, and decent jobs.

Convened by the Communist Party of Cuba and other organizations, the Forum raised its voice against contemporary forms of imperialism, which are primarily responsible for human rights violations, inequalities, exclusion, and poverty throughout the world.

"The accumulation of capital imposes its logic over life and health on our planet. Besides attacking the environment with unsustainable production and consumption patterns, capitalism threatens peace with wars and conflicts that destroy peoples and civilizations," the Forum said .

The participants also highlighted that the United States and its allies are trying once again to impose cultural and political patterns that do not respond to the realities of the Peoples.

"We live in an era in which unilateral coercive measures and interference policies attack the sovereignty, self-determination and the rights of the peoples," the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) President said.

Also participating in the event are the Cuban Chapter of Social and Popular Movements, the Martin Luther King Center, the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, and other progressive union, social and political organizations.

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