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Cyclone Hudhud Pounds Northeastern India

  • Fishermen move a fishing boat to a safer place along the shore ahead of cyclone Hudhud at Ganjam district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha October 11, 2014. (Photo: Reuters)

    Fishermen move a fishing boat to a safer place along the shore ahead of cyclone Hudhud at Ganjam district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha October 11, 2014. (Photo: Reuters) | Photo: Reuters

  • A man walks as strong winds blow along a beach in Gopalpur in Ganjam district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha October 12, 2014.  (Photo: Reuters)

    A man walks as strong winds blow along a beach in Gopalpur in Ganjam district in the eastern Indian state of Odisha October 12, 2014. (Photo: Reuters) | Photo: Reuters

Published 12 October 2014

Six people have been killed and about 350,000 more evacuated.

The Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa have been severely hit by the pass of Cyclon Hudhud through the North East Indian coast.

The cyclone landed in Visakhapatnam bringing winds of 127 miles per hour. More than 350,000 people have been evacuated and about 42 teams formed by nearly 2,000 rescuers have been sent to the zone, said the government.

Authorities said the number of people evacuated could reach 500,000. The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System, run by the United Nations and the European Commission, warned that Hudhud was strong enough to affect about 11 million people.

At least six people have been killed due to the pass of Hudhud, according to authorities. Three of them died in Andhra Pradesh and three other in Orissa.

However, authorities said it's too early to make a final assessment.

“We are unable to ascertain the situation. Seventy percent of communication has totally collapsed ... this is the biggest calamity," N. Chandrababa Naidu told Headlines Today tv station.

Naidu added that damage assessment will start on Monday and urged everybody to stay at home.

Hudhud has destroyed crops, damaged building, knocked down power lines and brought down hundreds of trees in both states.

Local authorities have warned that strong rains will continue and that many areas might be inundated.

Andhra Pradesh and Orissa are hit every year by strong hurricanes, last year Phailin cyclone killed more than 40 people in North East India.

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