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District Attorney Dismisses Stanford Rape Judge from New Case

  • Aaron Persky, judge in the infamous Stanford rape case

    Aaron Persky, judge in the infamous Stanford rape case | Photo: Reuters

Published 14 June 2016

The judge was widely criticized for his lenient sentencing of rapist Brock Turner.

Aaron Persky, the judge who controversially sentenced former Stanford swimmer to six months in jail for raping an unconscious woman was dismissed from another sexual assault case by the Santa Clara District Attorney’s office on Tuesday.

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NBC reported that Persky was removed from a case involving a trial in which a male nurse sexually assaulted a female patient while she was under sedation.

Persky’s recent sentence of 20-year-old Brock Turner, the ex-Stanford swimmer was widely condemned. It was slammed as too lenient after Turner faced 14 years prison but was given just a six-month jail sentence and three years of probation.

Amid the scandal, Pesky has received a number of death threats for the sentence, forcing the Santa Clara County Court to increase its security.

There have also been moves to remove Persky from his position through petitions.

The uproar over the sentence, fueled in part by the victim's harrowing letter in which she detailed the assault in graphic terms, is part of growing outrage over sexual assault on U.S. college campuses.

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