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Donald Trump Blames Obama for Baltimore Uprising, Not Racism

  • Organizations in Baltimore planned clean-ups of areas across the city Tuesday following Monday's uprising, and a Peace Walk to be held at 5:30 p.m. local time.

    Organizations in Baltimore planned clean-ups of areas across the city Tuesday following Monday's uprising, and a Peace Walk to be held at 5:30 p.m. local time. | Photo: @XNLB

Published 28 April 2015

“How disappointing it is to have people more focused on HOW we're crying rather than WHY we're crying,” said a local resident and community activist.

Donald Trump came under fire Tuesday for his comments concerning the uprisings in Baltimore. The remarks that most got the wealthy businessman in hot water included blaming President Barack Obama for the conflicts which arose in the city Monday and referring to protestors as “thugs.” 

“Our great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!” he tweeted Tuesday. 

A few hours later, the billionaire followed up with, “President Obama, you have a big job to do. Go to Baltimore and bring both sides together. With proper leadership, it can be done! Do it.”

People responded on social media calling Trump “so very rude and racist,” as one respondent tweeted.

Protesters took to the street Monday, the day of the funeral of black youth Freddie Gray who died last week after receiving neck injuries while in police custody. Demonstrators have lead peaceful protests all week voicing their anger and frustration about Gray's death, and the larger issues of systemic racism within the police department. 

On Monday, protests took a different turn as police attacked protestors. Police were caught on camera throwing rocks at protesters, while some protesters also threw rocks and started fires.  

Organizations and people on the ground have urged the public to focus on why they are protesting, not how.  

“How disappointing it is to have people more focused on HOW we're crying rather than WHY we're crying,” wrote Baltimore resident and community activist Dr. Heber Brown on Twitter Monday. 

Trump also blamed police for the uprisings in the city Monday, not for their hostility against protesters or for systemic racism, but for their lack of aggression against demonstrators.  

“Wow, 15 policemen (sic) hurt in Baltimore, some badly! Where is the National Guard. Police must get tough, and fast! Thugs must be stopped,” he tweeted. 

Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, has also been criticized for referring to protesters as “thugs.” 

“Too many people have invested in building up this city to allow thugs to tear it down,” she tweeted, which garnered many responses on social media.  

“If the judicial system were prosecuting, sentencing & jailing cops who murder unarmed fleeing citizens.Wd this be?” asked one respondent on Twitter. 

The mayor has issued a 10 p.m. curfew in the city, due to take effect Tuesday, and called in the national guard. According to CNN, 1,500 National Guard troops are on their way to Baltimore.  

According to officials in Baltimore, more than 200 people were arrested during Monday's protests. So far however, no one has been charged or held responsible for Gray's death. 

Despite the controversy around recent protests, people across the city have shown little evidence that they will give up fighting for justice. People came together to organize major clean ups in various parts of the city Tuesday, while a Peace Walk is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. local time.   

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