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News > Latin America

Ecuador's Correa Announces Opposition Coup Plan

  • President Rafael Correa speaking on weekly show on Saturday morning

    President Rafael Correa speaking on weekly show on Saturday morning | Photo: teleSUR

Published 13 June 2015

Privileged and right-wing sectors have being holding protests in front the PAIS Alliance offices since Monday.

The opposition had everything ready for their opposition plot against the government, Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa said while speaking on his weekly program on Saturday, from Italy.

​Correa, whose follows days of protests, sometimes violent, outside the head offices of governing party PAIS Alliance, said the opposition had the money and logistics prepared.

The Ecuadorean leader called on people in the country to remain strong and firm in light of the right-wing attacks.

“They wanted to wear us down by 2016 … but here, nobody gets tired, we’re stronger than ever,” he said.

The protests were initially against citizens having to pay a very small tax on large inheritances, but now the right-wing protesters are openly calling for the ousting of the elected government. In 2013, Correa was elected in a landslide victory with 57 percent of the vote.

The protests have been counted by government supporters, who have outnumbered the opposition protestors but have also been met with violence from the right-wing demonstrators. Large numbers of police have been deployed each night to prevent violence or injuries.

RELATED: Taxing the Wealthy - Why It's Important

Translation: This is the revolution of happiness, with everyone united with the same vibe​

Translation: The rich are the ones who have paid the least amount of taxes in Ecuadorian history. Ninety-eight percent of people won’t pay taxes on inheritances

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