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Elizabeth Warren Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

  • Elizabeth Warren in 2015

    Elizabeth Warren in 2015 | Photo: Reuters

Published 9 June 2016

Elizabeth Warren has criticized Hillary Clinton in the past for trying to appease Wall Street, but she has now thrown her support behind the presumptive nominee.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, an occasionally strong critic of Wall Street popular with progressive Democrats, endorsed the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday, disappointing liberals who had pinned their hopes on Warren.

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"I'm ready. I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States—and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets any place close to the White House," Warren said to MSNBC.

Progressive supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are full of rage and disappointment over Warren’s decision to endorse Clinton, according to Vox. Warren has been described as farther to the left than Clinton and has been one of the Democrats’ more outspoken critics of Donald Trump.

Warren has been a strong critic of Wall Street and has made banking and inequality one of the centerpieces of her political platform. Warren joined Clinton in May in criticizing Trump for rooting for the 2008 financial crisis.

Warren previously accused Clinton of abandoning her support for stronger bankruptcy legislation to try to appease Wall Street.

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In the MSNBC interview, Warren said she shared common ideas with Bernie Sanders and said that the long battle between Sanders and Clinton was “constructive.”

"I take my cue on every part of this from Bernie himself and what he said right at the beginning … what this is about, what we're doing here is about millions of people across this country, millions of people who work hard every day and just keep getting slammed," Warren said.

It comes on the back of Barack Obama’s official endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president on Thursday morning.

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