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Elizabeth Warren Thinks Sanders Is Right on Superdelegates

  • U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren departs after her remarks at an American Prospect forum on the role of journalism in progressive politics, in Washington May 13, 2015.

    U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren departs after her remarks at an American Prospect forum on the role of journalism in progressive politics, in Washington May 13, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 5 June 2016

The progressive U.S. senator sided with Bernie Sanders’ camp, saying she did not believe in the superdelegates process.

United States Senator Elizabeth Warren, who herself is a superdelegates, said that she does not approve of the Democratic Party’s superdelegate system and thinks the three-decade long process must be scrutinized.

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“I’m a superdelegate, and I don’t believe in superdelegates,” Warren told reporters following the Massachusetts State Democratic Convention. Party members automatically become superdelegates when they become senators.

While she has yet to express public support for either of the Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Warren seems to agree with her fellow senator Sanders that the superdelegates system is bad.

The Democratic party has more than 700 superdelegates and at least 539 of them have already pledged support for Hillary Clinton. Many of them did so even before she had formally announced her campaign in April last year. Therefore, despite winning many of the primaries and caucuses, Sanders has mediated a significant deficit against Clinton.

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Asked about whether Sanders should leave the race, Warren gave a calculated response saying: ”Sanders has brought a lot of energy to this campaign, and that is a decision for Bernie Sanders to make.”

Carrying on with her recent heated campaign against Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump, Warren called him “a small, insecure money-grubber”.

She also called Trump a “fraudster-in-chief” as she slammed his Trump University which is facing a lawsuit over fraudulent practices. “It was like a used-car dealership, except that’s not fair to used-car dealerships.”

She added that her party was united on trying to stop a Trump presidency. “I’m in this fight all the way to try to stop Donald Trump,” she said, adding that she is “going to try to help out every way I can,” according to Politico website.

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