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Environmental Disaster: Canada Fire Spreads Toward Oil Fields

  • A wildfire burns as evacuees who were stranded north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada head south of Fort McMurray on Highway 63.

    A wildfire burns as evacuees who were stranded north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada head south of Fort McMurray on Highway 63. | Photo: Reuters

Published 17 May 2016

Thousands of workers in the oil industry were evacuated from work camps as the fire leaves the city of Fort McMurray and spreads to surrounding areas.

The concern with the fire in Fort McMurray, Alberta, which forced the evacuation of the entire 90,000-population town, has shifted from the city itself to the oil industry in surrounding areas, officials said Tuesday.

Around 8,000 people were evacuated late Monday night from work camps located north of Fort McMurray.

Canada Fire Disrupts, But Doesn’t Destroy, Oil Production

"The urgency that we are looking at is with regards to the oil and gas infrastructure," said Scott Long of the Alberta Emergency Management Organization at a briefing earlier Monday evening, as published by CTV News.

The same evening, Suncor issued a news release that it had begun a shutdown of its operations, and that workers were being sent to work camps further north.

As the some 80,000 residents of Fort McMurray enter their third week away from their homes, the fire has thus far destroyed about 2,400 structures. The hospital, airport, and water treatment plant remain intact, however.

WATCH: Wildfires Force Canadian City Evacuation

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