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News > Mexico

Evo Morales Praises Profound Changes Promoted by AMLO in Mexico

  • Former Bolivian president Evo Morales and the current Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

    Former Bolivian president Evo Morales and the current Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. | Photo: X/ @evoespueblo

Published 2 June 2024

The Bolivian politician assured that López Obrador there was "a resounding change in Mexico and that strengthens Latin American integration."

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales (2006-2019) praised this Sunday the "profound change" promoted in Mexico by its current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and considered that this strengthened regional integration.


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Morales referred to the issue in a virtual contact with the coca grower radio station Kawsachun Coca from Mexico, where he traveled invited by Morena, the party of López Obrador, to "accompany" the electoral process in that country, according to the same former president in his social networks.

The former president, who is part of the electoral observation mission of the Puebla Group for this Sunday’s elections, said that the former Mexican presidents "always had a look to the north".

"We visited some electoral precincts very early in #Itztapalapa , #México . With a lot of democratic commitment, our Mexican sisters and brothers are going to cast their vote today. Our priority is democracy, the integration of our Latin American and Caribbean region and social justice."

"With Andrés (there is) a look to the south because Latin America is the family of Mexico. In that there was a profound change, we must recognize", he affirmed, and according to the leader of the Bolivian party Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), López Obrador concludes his presidential term with an approval of "more than 60%" and attributed it to his "social policies".

For Morales, the public management of the Mexican ruler could mean that his party is "ratified in these elections" and stressed that if the ruling candidate Claudia Sheinbaum wins, "she would be the first female president, not only from Mexico, but from the north."

The Bolivian politician assured that there was "a resounding change in Mexico and that strengthens Latin American integration" and "guarantees" the continuity of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which "is like an OAS (Organization of American States) without the United States."

Morales accused the United States of trying to "wear down" or make CELAC disappear with initiatives such as the Lima Group or the Pacific Alliance, but considered that it "continues to consolidate".

He regretted that the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is currently "with many weaknesses" and recalled that before this, "the peoples" were organized in the so-called Runasur, an international platform of social and indigenous movements that the former Bolivian ruler promotes.

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