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News > Palestine

Foreign Medical Equipment and Convoy of Ten Trucks Enter Gaza

  • ICRC convoy passes through the Rafah crossing towards Gaza.

    ICRC convoy passes through the Rafah crossing towards Gaza. | Photo: ICRC

Published 27 October 2023

The cargo does not include fuel, a resource that Israel does not permit entry and is crucial for powering hospitals, desalination plants, and other services.

On Friday, a team of ten foreign doctors from the Red Cross entered the Gaza Strip via the Egyptian Rafah crossing, alongside a convoy of ten trucks loaded with humanitarian aid but lacking fuel.


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Wael Abu Omar, the spokesperson on the Palestinian side of the crossing, announced that a medical delegation comprising ten foreign doctors entered the Gaza Strip through Rafah, accompanied by ten trucks carrying water, food, and medicine.

This latest influx of humanitarian aid marks the arrival of 84 trucks, across six different shipments, into the Palestinian enclave since Israel granted access for humanitarian assistance to Gaza on Saturday.

The team of ten doctors belongs to the Red Cross, the organization responsible for managing aid access through the crossing. Sources did not specify their nationality.

The humanitarian cargo does not include fuel, a resource that Israeli authorities do not permit entry and is crucial for powering hospitals, desalination plants, and other essential services.

Lynn Hastings, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the Palestinian Territories, held a virtual press conference from Jerusalem today, highlighting that emergency generators supplying vital services are "shutting down one by one due to the fuel shortage."

However, she added that a limited amount of fuel is being allowed into Gaza through a pumping station "funded by Qatar and transported to Rafah with Israel's knowledge."

Consequently, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) managed to secure access to 200,000 liters of fuel on Thursday, even though it requires approximately 130,000 liters daily.

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