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Former Sanders Supporter Shaun King Says Clinton Has 'Evolved'

  • Shuan King (L) speaking to Democracy Now!

    Shuan King (L) speaking to Democracy Now! | Photo: Twitter / @democracynow

Published 22 October 2016

The Black Lives Matter activist said that while many were skeptical of Hilary Clinton, he has changed his outlook.   

Writer and Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King, a well-known Bernie Sanders supporter, says that U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has “evolved,” and now believes “she does care,” according to an interview with Democracy Now! on Friday.

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King said that while he is “heartbroken that Bernie didn’t win,” he believes that Hillary Clinton “has evolved. And we’ll have to wait and see, if she’s elected, what that evolution means of policies and practices.”

While King said that he and many progressive supporters were skeptical of Clinton's political platform, “I have grown to believe that she does care, in part because she has spent a lot of time with families affected by police brutality.”

Talking about the positives, King said that Sanders was able to gather so much support across the country and got unexpectedly close to winning the Democratic nomination without the large corporate media coverage of Trump or Clinton was promising.

King believes that Clinton will be elected in the Nov. 8 election and that the progressive community should continue to push forward to hold elected officials accountable. He warned there was a missed opportunity after the election of President Barack Obama, where many stepped back because of complacency.

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King explained that he originally supported Bernie Sanders for his values and the need to stop Republican candidate Donald Trump.

“Trump’s base is fueled by white supremacy and bigotry," he said. "So he continues to do everything he can to appeal to them, and nothing to broaden that base.”

Writing for the New York Daily News earlier in the year, King said that "Sanders would be Donald Trump's worst nightmare; Hillary, not so much​."

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