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Gay RNC Event Was Anti-Muslim Hatefest for Global Islamophobes

  • Milo Yiannopoulos addresses a

    Milo Yiannopoulos addresses a "Gays for Trump" party in Cleveland. | Photo: Screen capture from YouTube

Published 20 July 2016

“Gays for Trump” say Donald Trump is the most pro-gay candidate in history because he wants to ban Muslims.

Some of the most prominent far-right supporters of Donald Trump joined an unusual gay party at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday titled, “Gays for Trump,” using faux concern for the LGBTQ to community to express their xenophobia and Islamophobia.

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The party was organized by the gay Republican group GOProud, which invited some of the world’s most notorious anti-Muslim commentators and politicians, including blogger Pam Geller and leading white supremacist Richard Spencer from the U.S., and Peter Brimelow from the U.K., as well as the far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

The guests turned the gay party into an anti-Muslim hatefest, with the guests providing flawed and disturbing arguments about how the U.S. needs a ban on Muslims, a proposal championed by Trump, in order to protect the LGBTQ community from Islam and sharia law.

The one who championed this argument was none other than Milo Yiannopoulos, the tech editor of fascist website Breitbart who is also gay and was banned from Twitter this week over racist comments and a harassment campaign related to a female star of the movie “Ghostbusters.”

Yiannopoulos decaled Trump “the most pro-gay candidate in American electoral history” not because of his history of fighting for LGBTQ issues, but because he wants to ban Muslims from entering the country.

“While you were busy hectoring and bullying and nannying us about transgender pronouns, you completely forgot that politicians in this country were welcoming in a religion that wants us dead,” Yiannopoulos said at the party, according to a report by Buzzfeed.

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Meanwhile, Europe’s leading Islamophobe Wilders told the crowd that all Muslims, not only radical Islamists, were the enemy of Western values and gay rights.

“First, we should acknowledge that Islam is the problem. No political correctness anymore … No bullshit about 'radical Islam,'” he said, according to Rolling Stone. "Anywhere in the West, if you allow Islam to be planted on your soil, don't be afraid that you will harvest sharia law, because Islam and sharia law (are) exactly the same."

Geller joined the Muslim-bashing festival and barely made sense. "The Democrats pay lip service, OK? And give out transgender bathrooms," she said, adding that gay rights were “the persecution, oppression, execution of gays living in Muslim countries under the sharia. That is gay rights."

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