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News > Palestine

Gaza Returns to Normal After Israeli Military Onslaught

  • Palestinians turn over the rubble of their homes in search of some things, May 14, 2023.

    Palestinians turn over the rubble of their homes in search of some things, May 14, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @Samah7h8

Published 14 May 2023

The Israeli bombardments left 33 people dead and property damage in at least 26 buildings and 100 houses.

On Sunday, daily life returned to normal in Gaza after five days of incessant Israeli attacks on the Palestinian population, which left 33 dead, over 150 injured, and economic losses valued at more than 45 million euros.


Israel Kills Senior Islamic Jihad Militant In Gaza

On Saturday night, the mediation carried out by Egypt managed to get the Israeli Army and Palestinian militants to declare a ceasefire and agree to a truce.

In the morning, most businesses, companies, and institutions restarted their activities. Schools and universities remained closed, although students are expected to return to classrooms on Monday.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians begin to resume their routines after days of having remained sheltered in their homes for fear of attacks by the Israeli occupation forces.

The tweet reads, "In Palestine, the colonization, violence, and apartheid established by Israel --with its share of oppression, racism, and crimes-- is encouraged, financed, and supported politically and economically by the United States and the Commission on the European Union. Let's not forget it."

Over the past week, Israeli shelling has destroyed vast urban areas under the pretext of targeting commanders of the armed wing of Islamic Jihad. At least 26 buildings were completely destroyed and some 100 houses suffered serious or moderate damage.

The crossings between Gaza and Israel, as well as the maritime area controlled by the Israeli occupation forces, are gradually reopening. The Kerem Shalom crossing for cargo trucks and the Erez crossing for pedestrians are operational after six days of closure.

In Israeli towns near Gaza, daily life is also returning to normal and restrictions on movement and assembly are being lifted.

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