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Head of OAS Won't Retract Strident Attack on Venezuela's Maduro

  • Almagro has been criticized by members of his own organization for attacking Venezuelan president

    Almagro has been criticized by members of his own organization for attacking Venezuelan president | Photo: EFE

Published 24 May 2016

"We are not insulting anybody, so we shouldn’t retract," the head of OAS told CNN.

Luis Almagro, Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), said on Tuesday he will not retract comments he made about Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro despite requests from other member states.

OAS Head Faces Wave of Criticism Over Polemic Against Venezuela

“What we are saying there, we are not insulting anybody, so we shouldn’t retract, because retracting about that, it would mean retracting about the fact that this (possible recall referendum) should go into consideration of the people for the final decision,” said Almagro.

Almagro was speaking to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour about the political situation in Venezuela and what he believes is the best way to end the recent crisis. In the past he has shown support for the proposal from the country’s right-wing opposition to hold a referendum on whether Maduro, elected in 2013, should complete his term in office.

“We have been asked by the Venezuelan National Assembly to use the Interamerican Charter, where we will be able to address the permanent council about a serious alteration on the constitutional order in any country,” said Almagro.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez has criticized efforts by the country's opposition to use the OAS to interfere in the domestic affairs of Venezuela. Maduro has also accused Almagro of being a traitor and serving U.S. interests.

Almagro, in return, said he refuses to “bow down” and be intimidated by the Venezuelan head of state, and accused Maduro of spreading lies and becoming a “petty dictator.”

“You betray your people and your supposed ideology with your rambling tirades, you are a traitor to ethics in politics with your lies and you betray the most sacred principle in politics, which is to subject yourself to the scrutiny of your people,” Almagro wrote.

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