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‘Hey White Person, Join the Alt-Right,’ Posters in Canada Urge

  • The poster was discovered by a caregiver and made the rounds on social media.

    The poster was discovered by a caregiver and made the rounds on social media. | Photo: Twitter / @TheCanadianPress

Published 15 November 2016

The posters were discovered in a park and were aimed at white people in Toronto.

“Hey, WHITE PERSON” said a sign emblazoned on the lampost of an eastern Canadian city.

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“Tired of political correctness? Wondering why only white countries have to be ‘multicultural'? Figured out that diversity only means ‘less white people’? Sick of being blamed for all the world’s problems?” it asks white passers-by.

“Tired of being told you’re ‘racist’ for celebrating your heritage? Disgusted by the garbage on television? Don’t see a future for yourself or family? Questioning when immigration will stop?” it continues.

“Join the Alt-Right.”

This was the message plastered on a number of fliers found in Toronto’s east end.

“I found the posters very disturbing, residents in my ward sent it this morning. I think the sentiments expressed in the poster are totally unacceptable in this city and it’s very worrisome,” Coun. Janet Davis told Global News Monday, after the signs turned up in Ward 31 Beaches-East York.

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“I’m quite worried that the Donald Trump election has legitimized this kind of ultra right-wing viewpoint and encouraged these kinds of expressions of hate.”

Toronto Police Const. Victor Kwong said an investigation has been launched after several complainants spoke out against the posters.

“It’s just sad. It feels a little bit disappointing that someone would put those up,” Kara Black, a caregiver who took the photo of the sign in East York’s Stan Wadlow Park that went viral on social media, said.

“You don’t want such young kids exposed to hate like that so I think they should definitely look into it and hopefully they’ll find whoever did it.”

Another witness to the white nationalist posters commented, “I think it’s 100 percent coming from the U.S. election.”

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