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News > World

In 60 Seconds: Polling Stations Open for US Midterms

Published 4 November 2014

Today's headlines, in 60 seconds, From the South (HD).

For more on each story, follow the links or watch the full episode of From the South

Citizens are heading to the polls to elect senators, congressmen, and governors among other posts in midterm elections. Over 210 million people are eligible to vote.

Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos began an official five-day European tour in Spain, where he asked regional leaders for support for his country's peace process with leftist FARC rebels.

President Petro Poroshenko will meet with his security council today to discuss new strategies to combat separatist rebels in Donetsk and Lugansk. He said the truce agreement will be reconsidered.

Rain and strong winds have drenched Buenos Aires province of for over 40 hours straight. The extreme weather has led to at least two deaths and affected over 5,000 people.

The Catalonian government has once again demanded that the Spanish courts allow it to hold a referendum on the region's independence on November 9. Polls show almost 50 percent of Catalans would vote "yes" to independence from Spain. 

New York's World Trade Center has reopened for business more than 13 years after the September 11 terrorist attacks. The new 104-story, US$3.9 billion skyscraper is the tallest building in the U.S.

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