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Iran Will Push For a Peace Deal in Yemen

  • Mohammad Javad Zarif arrives at the Foreign Ministry in Lisbon.

    Mohammad Javad Zarif arrives at the Foreign Ministry in Lisbon. | Photo: Reuters

Published 15 April 2015

The Middle Eastern republic will use its influence to attain a political solution and end the military offensive.

The Iranian Foreign Minister announced Wednesday that his government will step up efforts to reach a peaceful political solution to the crisis in Yemen.

Mohammed Javad Zarif, who is visiting Portugal, explained his country has influence amongst different groups in the war torn country.

"We have influence with a lot of groups in Yemen, not just the Houthis and the Shias," he explained.

Zarif’s remarks come after the United Nations Security Council imposed an arms embargo on the Houthis Tuesday.

The Saudi government has blamed Iran of providing support — both military and financial — to the Houthi rebels, which control most of the country.

RELATED: Saudi Attack on Yemen

The Iranian government proposed Tuesday a four point agenda to reach a peace deal, which is based on humanitarian assistance, an intra-Yemeni dialogue and the establishment of a broad-based government. 

Meanwhile, former Yemeni dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh requested the Saudi-led coalition provide him a safe exit from the country, at the same time denying he had any ties to the Houthi movement.

Militias loyal to Saleh lost ground Wednesday to forces loyal to former President Abd Mansour Hadi, who is exiled in Saudi Arabia. According to media outlets, the pro-Hadi forces took over a military base in the city of Marib, which would clear the path towards the rebel-held capital of Sanaa.

The Saudi-led military operation has left over 100,000 thousand displaced Yemenis and over 2,000 dead civilians.

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