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Israel Authorizes New Penalties, Snipers Against Stone Throwers

  • Palestinian women demonstrate in an alley outside the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, on Sept. 14, 2015.

    Palestinian women demonstrate in an alley outside the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, on Sept. 14, 2015. | Photo: AFP

Published 16 September 2015

The Israeli Prime Minister announced tougher penalties against stone throwers and asked top prosecutor to authorize sniper fire against them.

Israel will be expanding its “war against stone throwing” by introducing new penalties against Palestinian stone throwers and their families, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday following an emergency meeting with ministers.

The decision comes as Israeli troops stormed Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque in the West Bank leaving at least 26 Palestinians injured.

"It has been decided to toughen the measures in many areas; a modification of the rules of engagement will be examined as well as the establishment of a minimum penalty for those who throw stones," Netanyahu told reporters Wednesday.

According to the Israeli left-wing newspaper Haaretz, Netanyahu also ordered the country's attorney general to allow the police to authorize sniper fire in Jerusalem against stone throwers. Currently the Israel armed forces are allowed to use snipers against Palestinians who throw fire bombs or large stones. They can only target the perpetrators’ legs.

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However, since the Second Intifada, the police have not been allowed to use snipers against Palestinians, as many youths were being killed. The policy has now been reintroduced.

This new policy comes months after the Israeli cabinet approved legislation that would allow prosecutors to seek up to 10 year sentences for stone throwers.

However, Netanyahu's announcement today allows for an automatic “minimum penalty” for any stone throwers in Jerusalem and across the occupied territories before prosecutors or courts bring charges against them.

Al-Aqsa, the third-holiest site in Islam, is also a sacred place for Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount.

"On the day before [Jewish] New Year, it has been proven once again that stones can kill," said Netanyahu, referring to the death of an Israeli driver who allegedly lost control of his car as stones where thrown at his vehicle.

Meanwhile, Jordan said that the Israeli actions in Jerusalem amounted for “aggression” against not only Palestinians but also against Arab and Muslim nations. Jordan has custodianship rights over Muslim holy places in Jerusalem under its 1994 peace treaty with Israel.

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