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Joe Biden Mulls US Presidential Campaign: Reports

  • Joe Biden is considering trying to upend Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions.

    Joe Biden is considering trying to upend Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions. | Photo: Reuters

Published 1 August 2015

If Biden enters field it could make the race for the Democratic nomination more competetive.

U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden is considering running in the 2016 presidential elections, according to reports Saturday.

Citing the vice president's “closest advisers,” the New York Times reported Biden is now considering entering the already packed race. Until now, Hillary Clinton was widely viewed as having locked in the Democrat nominatio n . However, according to the NYT, behind closed doors Biden is seeking to exploit simmering dissatisfaction with Clinton from within the Democrat party.

“Mr. Biden’s advisers have started to reach out to Democratic leaders and donors who have not yet committed to Mrs. Clinton or who have grown concerned about what they see as her increasingly visible vulnerabilities as a candidate,” the newspaper reported.

Biden would likely stick to a suite of policies similar to Clinton – unlike another Democrat nomination rival, Bernie Sanders.

RELATED: AFL-CIO Delays Backing Clinton, Union Support for Sanders Grows

While Clinton has raised millions in fund raising, Sanders has drawn some of the largest crowds of the campaign season.

While the primarily election is expected to be a hard battle for Sanders against Democratic Party front-runner Clinton, the self-described “democratic socialist” called for movement building and invited U.S. citizens to join him in “fighting back” against the political establishment.

RELATED: The Sanders Campaign and the Revival of Socialism in the US

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